
No always means NO

Stop always means STOP

Always make sure people are happy for you to touch them before doing so.

Do not join in any activities unless you have consent from the other players.

no means no

Respect Others Privacy

Cameras & phones should be kept in your car, locker or tent.

Please do not use them in the public areas.

no cameras at swingers events

Respect the land

Put all your trash into a trash bin.

Put all your recyclables into one of the 7 blue recycle bins - Paper, Cardboard, Cans and Bottles.

Make sure your pitch is clean when you leave.

Respect Our Neighbours

We are 100m in any direction from our neighbours, so talking and laughing will not be heard, but please avoid shouting, screaming and playing loud music.


We have 2 dogs, a 4lb Chihuahua and a corgi. The Chihuahua is very timid, the corgi will crave your attention. You will only see them a few times when we let them out for toilet breaks.

This area of NB has a large deer population, they regularly cross the property, if you hear a rustling in the night it will either be Deer, Porcupine, Squirrels or Raccoons. We have only seen 1 bear on the property in May 2023 when there was a fire in the forest on the mountain.

Don't Attract the Emergency Services

Please give no reason for a visit by the fire department, the ambulance service or the police.

This means your activities should not cause any reason for these to be called the properties.

If your actions lead to a visit by the emergency services, you will be banned. (barring actual legit medical emergencies that were out of your control)

Secure your food

Country properties are shared with wild and sometimes semi domesticated animals. The smell of food will attract animals to the camp. If for any reason you have brought food please lock it in your vehicle.